Gian Lorenzo
Bernini Italian Baroque sculptor, restorer, draftsman, painter, architect, designer & playwright born 1598 - died 1680 Born in: Naples (Napoli, Campania, Italy). Died in: Rome (Lazio, Italy).
Apollo and Daphne
Apollo and Daphne [detail]
The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Equestrian Statue of King Louis XIV
Altar Cross
The Throne of Saint Peter
Daniel and the Lion
Bust of Cardinal Armand de Richelieu
Bust of Constanza Bonarelli
Bust of Pope Urban VIII
David [detail: 1]
Apollo and Daphne [detail: 3]
Rape of Proserpine [detail: 1]
The Rape of Proserpine
The Rape of Proserpine [detail: 2]
The Rape of Proserpine [detail: 3]
The Rape of Proserpine [detail: 4]
Tomb of Pope Urban VIII [detail]
Tomb of Pope Urban VIII
Tomb of Pope Urban VIII [detail]
Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius [detail: 1]
Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children
The Goat Amalthea with the Infant Jupiter and a Faun
Tomb of Pope Alexander VII
Tomb of Pope Alexander VII [detail of Charity]
Tomb of Pope Alexander VII [detail of Death]
Tomb of Pope Alexander VII [detail]
The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa [detail]
Aeneas and Anchises
Altar of the Cappella del Sacramento
Altar of the Cappella del Sacramento [detail]
Saint Bibiana
The Ecstasy of St Teresa
Torso of Neptune
The Blessed Lodovica Albertoni
The Blessed Lodovica Albertoni [detail]
Portrait Bust of Cardinal Richelieu
Portrait Bust of Pedro de Foix Montoya
Constantine the Great
Memorial Bust of Gabriele Fonseca
St. Longinus
David with the Head of Goliath
Self-Portrait as a Young Man
Saint Sebastian [detail]
Fontaine des tortues (Rome) 040
Fontana delle tartarughe
Fontana del Moro central statue
Blessed Ludovica Albertoni
Baldachin petersdom
Bernini Baldachino
Bernini P7150044
Bernini P7150045
Bernini elephant right
Bernini fountain
Castelgandolfo Bernini Dome
G r 186
Philip IV of Spain SM Maggiore
Saint Peter's Square from the dome v2
Bellarmino IlGesù
01 Bernini a Capolecase
Ariccia sta maria assunta
Three Colors Blue │ Bande Originale Du Film
베르니니 [Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1598.12.7~1680.11.28]
'울타리 > 감동순간 그림과 사진' 카테고리의 다른 글
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